Thursday, March 12, 2009


Okay, well I feel like I got robbed anyway. We had our family pictures taken at Holmes last week and yesterday we went to pick out the pictures. They were all absolutely precious. I fell in love with about 15 pictures, but unfortunately could only afford two poses. I mean really, why can' t these photographers just sell copies of the pictures on CD and we could make our own copies. Afterall, those pictures are of my family and my baby. All they are going to do is trash them. Just venting. Does anyone else understand? I'm really not that upset. I know they have to make money too....but really, do they have to raise the prices on their pics so much!


Emily said...

Ok, so I started reading and thought someone broke into your house!!! Can you see your pics online, I am sure they are cute...but yes, way expensive!

Tiffani's Photos said...

Next time I would love to do your family pictures. I sell my images on CD and my photo prices are very reasonable.

Mary said...

Oh no! I am with Emily...was expecting to hear a horror story but this is still scary in its own way so I'm sorry. I remember getting my senior pictures done and thinking how outrageous it was! Thankfully I married a photographer--his side gig :) If you don't mind weird hours he'd be happy to take pics in the future for you...and he's way cheaper than Holmes!

Jenny Seymore said...

I hear you sister! It's crazy just how expensive things like that are these days. I've been needing to schedule a family portrait session for Jon, Luke & I. The prices are definitely scary in this time!!